Dear Girl Scouts,
I love your cookies! They are delicious, not that expensive, and I know the money goes to help you. I'm so glad that I know someone who has a daughter that was selling them!
That being said, there are other times during the year when I would like to eat your cookies. The Trefoils are my favorite, with a nice cup of coffee or tea. They would be especially yummy on a cool autumn evening. Sadly for me, cookie time here is in the spring.
I know people will say to plan ahead, buy all of the cookies you will need now and then freeze them for later. First, I don't have enough money to buy all of the cookies I could want for the year -- that's ridiculous. Freezing them for later sounds great in theory, but they would never last as I would see them every time I open the freezer and then I would want to eat them.
There have been a few sad years when I could not get any Girl Scout cookies. I didn't know anyone selling them. I never saw a table outside of a store. The entrepreneurial spirit has been tamed by the fear of abduction, mugging, etc. as no kid goes door-to-door selling things any more. Admit it, Girl Scouts, as much as it is supposed to help develop the business sense of the girls, I think we both know that most of the sales come from parents taking the forms to work. The girls maybe ask their relatives, teachers, and family friends, but that is about as far as it goes.
Why don't you sell your delicious cookies online? Your website says you are exploring it for the future, but it has said that for at least 2 years now. How hard can it be? I think we are all agreed that the internet is not a passing fad. Jump on the band wagon! Think of all the poor cookie-less people who didn't know anyone to buy them from, who are salivating at the chance to get some Samoas or Tagalongs. It can't be that hard to separate the money out to the different councils by the zip codes to which the orders are being shipped. Think of all the extra $$ you could make!
I love you, Girl Scouts, I do. I was a member for several years, and my mother was our Troop Leader. I sold your scrumptious cookies, and we used to get prizes like little stuffed tigers. Is it about the badges? If you would just sell the cookies online I'm sure you could work a web-design or e-commerce badge into it somehow.
Please, take pity on society on sell your cookies online. Don't make us worry each year that we might not get to savor another Trefoil or Thin Mint.
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