Hi, Friends.
Long time, no blog! There's been quite a lot going on in my life. If you know me, then you already know. Heck, if you follow me on social media at all then you already know, too. I'm not going into it again here.
We have more important things to discuss. Like my pumpkin.
It snowed here last night for the first time this winter. I'm not a fan of snow -- "chunky rain" as I call it. I will grudgingly admit that it is pretty at first. Otherwise I'm over it.
So, this morning I went outside to take the obligatory First Snow! pictures that people post every year. (You can find them on my Instagram if you're really curious.) It was all going well until I got around to the front of the house and saw this:
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
That's actually what I was going to post on Instagram, until I took a second look.
Yeah. I did not leave my pumpkin in the street. It had been very happily chilling on my front steps with my four other pumpkins since Halloween.The other four were still on the steps. (I've brought them inside now. It's time for them to go take a rest until next year.)
The carved pumpkins came in after Halloween. The green circle denotes where my pumpkin had been living.
The pumpkins are foam. Just felt the need to explain that I didn't have slowly decaying pumpkins as decor to welcome people to my home.
As you can see, Road Pumpkin was right side up in the street. If it was the wind then I would have expected to be chasing Road Pumpkin and its brethren all over the street, scooping them off of the neighbors' lawns and bringing them home. Nor do I think it was the neighborhood wildlife. We have a lot of critters around here. Maybe I'm not giving them enough credit, but I'm pretty sure they would have just knocked the pumpkin off the steps and rolled it around.
No. This reminds me of the morning back in my May when my guitar-playing frog solar light was found busking in the road.
He was really quite talented. Clearly had a fan.
He had been happily living on the side of my front lawn, a spot he had hung out in for multiple summers without ever feeling the need to stretch his legs and take his talents on the road.
Sadly, he is no more. After his exciting adventure in the world of busking, something or someone stepped on him and cracked his light. Rest in peace, buddy.
The point of all this, Friends, is that I don't know what the hell is going on. I could see someone wandering down the street and deciding to be an ass and move guitar frog in May when it's relatively warm out. Who the hell goes wandering the streets on the night it snows for the first time and moves a single pumpkin? Like nothing else on the entire street seems out of place.
And the only other time anyone has touched my pumpkins at all, ever, was a few years ago. A less than sober gentleman was stumbling his way down the street one fine autumn evening. He was mad about something, picked up one of my pumpkins and tried to smash it on the ground while yelling, "Stupid pumpkin!" He was very confused when the pumpkin did not smash, but bounced. He did this for several minutes, as I was inside contemplating whether or not I should call the police. Eventually he gave up, waved his hands in defeat and staggered off down the road. But even the drunk guy left the pumpkin on my lawn! He was totally going to smash it, but was polite enough to do it on the lawn and not on my sidewalk.
So let me hear your best guess!
Super talented wild life that can gingerly pick up the foam pumpkin by its small stem top and deposit it standing upright in the street?
Random animal knocked it off the steps and it just so happened to roll into the road and land upright?
Someone is messing with me, but they are taking their time and only messing with my lawn decor once every six months?
A very, very precise wind blew through and only moved that one pumpkin off of the front steps?
I'm all ears for your ideas.
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